Wednesday 23 June 2010

Codes And Conventions Of Filming & Editing Interviews

We watched two short videos on Youtube from the great historical film 'Jaws' and the top television programme 'The Simpsons', in which the Authors, Producers and Directors etc were all interviewed.
Codes And Conventions...

  • In an interview if there is more than one interviewee being filmed the positioning alternates therefore creating variety
  • The viewers eyeline is usually around a third of the way down the screen
  • The background of the interview will usually have connotations of what the nterviewee is talking about
  • Interviews are never filmed with a light source, E.g No filming in front of a window with natural light
  • The interviewee is always positioned to either the Left or the Right of the frame
  • Cut-away shots are used to keep the audience watching, reducing boredom
  • The interviewee usually looks at the interviewer and not directly into the camera
  • Scenes from the content of the interview E.g part of a film, are used
  • To avoid jump cuts questions are edited out
  • Sometimes aspects of the interview are filmed with another camera such as extreme close ups of eyes, mouth and hands, used as cut-aways
  • Graphics are used to anchor who the person on screen is
  • Code of attire can vary due to the content of the documentary

Task & Questions For The Interview

Working in groups we were told our task was to conduct an interview about the subject of mobile phones.
The interview will then be edited into a short film so that only the answers are used - the audience will not hear any of the questions being asked.
In order to avoid jump cuts we were told to film cutaway shots which can be used in the editing process.
We were told to think of a title for our short film and include a music bed under the edited interview.
These are the questions for the interview below;

  1. Tell me what life was like before you had the mobile phone.
  2. When did you get your first mobile phone and why did you get it?
  3. Tell me about all the mobile phones you have had.
  4. Tell me about your current mobile phone.
  5. Why did you choose this phone?
  6. Tell me about the ringtone you have on your phone and why you chose it?
  7. What do you use your mobile phone for?
  8. How much does your mobile phone cost you each month?
  9. How often do you send text messages?
  10. What text 'language' do you use and how did you learn it?
  11. What's the best thing about having a mobile phone?
  12. What's the worst thing about having a mobile phone?
  13. How important is your mobile phone to you?
  14. How would you cope without your mobile phone?